For those of you who have visited our website, you will know by now that we also have a Gallery onsite, which houses some of the artistic works of Ernie Maluschnig.
So for all you virtual onlookers, we now take a step just inside the door - fresh and clean for 2010 after a bit of a Christmas clearout (congratulations to the new owners of several of Ernie's original pieces!)

In view are two of Ernie's sculptural works: "Slice of Heaven" in the foreground, and a two piece work (2nd in a series, 1 peice partially obscured) entitled "Rusty Sails 2".
Also shown are several other pieces including a custom mirror on the left (sorry - sold this morning!) a bespoke pair of nest tables with a hand-beaten bell displayed on top, a 5-foot candelabra, custom "kissing" gate (partially obscured), sunflower sculpture and one of a pair of handcrafted leaf/flower motif chandeliers.
So for the tactile experience (and to get a proper look at the obscured pieces!), all welcome to the "real" gallery at 54 Ballantyne Road Wanaka.